Professor Mike Reed is a full-time trauma and hip and knee joint replacement surgeon. He trained in the North of England and did fellowships in New Zealand.
He leads Trauma and Orthopaedics at Northumbria, working with a team of 31 talented colleagues.
His research focuses on clinical outcomes particularly around short stay surgery as well as infection prevention, diagnosis and management. Professor Reed is on the steering committee and executive of the National Joint Registry (NJR) and Chaired the Annual Report from 2019-2024. He now leads on Surgical Performance for the NJR, is a trustee for the Orthopaedic Research UK charity and is on the grant awards committee for the National Institute Health and Care Research (NIHR) (i4i PDA). He leads clinical trials for industry and NIHR, and works academically with the University of York.
He is leading the openPredictor project which aims to use data and artificial intelligence algorithms to predict the outcome of medical interventions including complications and health gain.